Work of specialists with families
Organization of comprehensive assistance and social and legal support for families with minor children
A wide range of social legal safeguards exists in Belarus, a system of state institutions (social, educational, medical, etc.) is created, whose activities are aimed at providing services to various categories of families and citizens. However, many families and citizens in crisis situations do not possess full information about their rights and mechanisms for their implementation. Specialists of state institutions perform functions strictly within their own sphere - health, education, social protection - and act mainly on the basis of the declarative principle, not the revealing one.
There is no office that coordinates the work of all departments in each specific case aiming at effectively overcoming crisis situations.
Within the "Solution" project, the specialists of the institution "Fate and Hope" (lawyers, specialists in social work, psychologists) help families with children under 18 in overcoming crisis situations through the organization of social and legal support.
Assistance to families in crisis situations in the implementation of state legal guarantees, increasing parental competence. Prevention of social orphanhood and protection of the rights of children to live in the family.
- Identification of families with under-age children in difficult life situations, needs’ assessment.
- Organization of social and legal support with the provision of integrated support - social, legal, psychological, educational, material - and assistance in the normalization of life for families.
- Informing families and citizens about state legal guarantees in the social sphere.